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Our Department of Physiotherapy along with the Psychological Therapies and Coaching and Development Department, aims to provide a holistic service to improve our clients’ quality of life and wellbeing.

Several senior Chartered Physiotherapists are based at Maryfield, Holywood and provide an in-house service to clients from the greater Belfast area.

Clients from the rest of the province can attend for physiotherapy assessment and treatment at one of our approved physiotherapy practices closer to their home.  Upon submission of required paperwork their referral will be triaged by our Maryfield team before being forwarded to a practice of their choosing.

Our associate practices are located in the following areas: Lisburn, Banbridge, Lurgan, Ballyclare, Portadown, Dungannon, Omagh, Antrim, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Portrush, Ballykelly, Carrickfergus and Derrygonnelly.



  • Manual Therapy
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Electrotherapy – Shockwave Therapy, Ultrasound Therapy & Laser
  • Treatment
  • Massage Therapy
  • Chronic Pain Management
  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
  • Long-term Condition Management
  • 1-1 Tai Chi
  • 1-1 Core stability and balance retraining
  • Gait Re-education
  • Mindfulness & Relaxation Techniques


  • Any musculoskeletal Injury
  • Pain – Acute or Chronic
  • Loss of Mobility or Function
  • Joint Dysfunction
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Loss of Balance / Falls
  • Muscle Weakness
  • General Deconditioning

Our Practice

All of our physiotherapists are HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) registered and members of the CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy). Staff have specialist training in musculoskeletal disorders and the treatment of chronic conditions. Their expertise has been developed over many years working in a variety of Health Service, private and community settings.

All physiotherapists actively maintain their continuous professional development, and use recognised treatment techniques. Our practice complies with national guidelines and professional and clinical standards.


  • All retired police officers and widows.
  • All retired Northern Ireland prison service officers.

Please contact our Services Admin department on 028 90 427788 or via email at to self-refer.

In addition:

  • Serving police officers and police support staff
  • Serving Northern Ireland prison service officers
  • DoJ staff in the Youth Justice Agency, Northern Ireland Policing Board and Forensics Sciences

Please speak to your line manager and occupational health departments to access Physiotherapy. (Certain contract restrictions apply).

How to access physiotherapy

If retired, please contact our Services Admin department on 028 90427788 and ask to be referred to physiotherapy.

If you are working, please speak to your line manager or occupational health department.

If a client is deemed appropriate for physiotherapy, we aim to offer all clients an initial assessment appointment within 4 weeks of receiving their referral. Treatment can be provided at Maryfield in Holywood or closer to your home if this is more convenient.

View PHYSIOTHERAPY articles and videos on the RESOURCES page

Frequently Asked Questions

Clients are often anxious about attending therapy and are sometimes fearful of what therapy may entail

The Therapists at PRRT are often faced with some common frequently asked questions when clients first attend for therapy. We thought it would be useful to take the time to answer some in advance. Maybe this will help address any concerns you may have.

Will I have to undress?

This depends on the nature/location of your problem. Generally we do need to expose the affected area but all physiotherapists do everything they can to insure that your dignity is upheld at all times. Each treatment room is completely private. If you are attending for a back or lower limb problem you can bring shorts to change in to and if you forget we will provide them. For upper body problems you may need to remove your top. There are no circumstances where it would be necessary or appropriate to remove underclothing.

Will it hurt?

Some treatments or movements can be uncomfortable or even painful in the short term, however if this is the case then this will be explained at the outset and you can decide if you want us to proceed. Each aspect of your care will be explained in detail and is completely within your control. There is often more than one treatment approach that can be used so we will find an approach that works for you.

Will I see the same therapist each time?

It is our normal practice that you will see the same  physiotherapist each time. In some circumstances such as staff sickness or holidays you may be offered the opportunity to see another physiotherapist if you wish.

Will anyone else know that I am having treatment?

Your client information is only shared with personnel directly involved in your physiotherapy care. If you receive treatment by our Maryfield team we will routinely inform your GP of the outcome of your treatment. This will only be performed with your full consent.

In any other circumstance where we felt it was of benefit to you to share information, with for example another clinical professional, it would only be done with your explicit permission.

There are exceptionally rare occasions where we would be required to share information without your permission for example if you were considered to be a danger to yourself or others, if child protection issues were evident or if we were required by law.

How much treatment am I entitled to?

We do not operate in terms of entitlement to a certain amount of treatment. We have based our processes around best practice and clinical evidence and the clinical needs of our clients. Each condition and each course of treatment is different.

In general terms the average number of treatments per condition is just below 6 and it would be highly unusual for someone to need more than 10 treatments.

What happens if I have more than one problem?

If you have 2 or more different problems it is often more beneficial to concentrate on the most significant first. Subsequently you can access treatment for your other problems.

Can I have physiotherapy treatment at PRRT whilst having treatment through the NHS?

In normal circumstances it is better to have one therapist managing your condition. In very rare and exceptional circumstances it may be appropriate to supplement your NHS treatment however this can only be done with the consent of your NHS physiotherapist and with a joint treatment plan.

Our normal advice is that you should complete your NHS physiotherapy and if subsequently you feel you would benefit from further treatment we will be happy to assess you.

Is there a cost?

There is no contribution for eligible clients. Please check above under Eligibility for more details.

Is the service in the regions different to that in Belfast?

Our clinicians in Maryfield and throughout the province are all highly trained, experienced, senior clinicians who adhere to the highest of professional and personal standards.

A client centred approach is behind all decision-making processes with the team at Maryfield managing all referrals and authorisations for treatment.

What if I have significant injuries that I feel require more input?

It is important that you communicate with us if you feel for any reason the treatment or plan for the ongoing management of your condition is not meeting your needs. Where clients have very complex clinical needs/ significant disability we can review how the service is delivered and if appropriate, tailor it accordingly.

How long is a treatment session?

Your first face to face appointment should last no less than 45 minutes regardless of where you are seen. Subsequent sessions should last between 30 and 45 minutes but no less than 30 minutes regardless of where you are seen.

Why are some physiotherapists not on your provider list?

Our external providers are selected following a formal process and have met the criteria to be part of an approved list. They must meet a high standard both professionally and in terms of their premises.


Physiotherapy Therapy Locations

The map below shows PRRT Physiotherapy locations.